Tui was born in Venezuela, and lived in Paraguay, Florida; and Dominican Republic, before moving to New Jersey in high school, where she started doing backstage theatre work. She currently lives in Boston with her husband, two hilarious children, an alarmingly funny, ever-increasing number of snails, and their fluffball, Rainbow Dog (Bo for short). Tui was very lucky to work for a while as an editor on the publishing side of things, but, she really wanted a job where she could write until 4am, sleep until noon, and work in her pajamas (ideally with a puppy nearby). She's written about 50 books for children and teens, ranging in age from sticker books and easy-to-reads to middle-grade and young adult novels. She wrote the fifth book in the Spirit Animals series (Menagerie), a couple of books in the Warriors and Seekers series, and her Pet Trouble series about a misbehaving puppy. She also writes books under other names too! You can find more of her books under the names Rob Kidd (a five-book Pirates of the Caribbean spin-off series entitled Legends of the Brethren Court), Heather Williams (two Little House on the Prairie spin-offs: Nellie Oleson Meets Laura Ingalls and Farmer Boy Goes West), and Tamara Summers (He’s With Me, Save the Date, and Never Bite a Boy on the First Date).
Get to know Tui better by watching this video (1:45)
Watch a great introduction to the series here (1:51) Visit Tui's website at