Cynthia describes herself as a children's book writer, seaglass collector, daydreamer, and the mother of two teenagers. She was a teacher for many years, teaching grades 1 and 6. She grew up in New Hampshire, and now lives in Maine, USA. As her children grew, she began to write more fiction. "Now, I get up most mornings between 3:30 and 4:00 AM. I tiptoe through my dark kitchen, flick on the coffeemaker, and sit down at my desk. That's my own time, the just-me time to open my heart and spill it across white pages. Early morning is a beautiful time, still and dark, and I can smell the ocean many mornings when I open the window next to my computer."
Learn a little about Cynthia in this video clip! (:34)
Learn a lot about Cynthia in this video clip! (4:23)
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Excerpts: Rules: back cover summary, then top of pg 8 to end of rule on pg 12; pg 56 - 58 “The goldfish are used to David...” Touch Blue: tell of island and low school enrolment; pg 40 “He nods though...” to pg 42 end of last full paragraph