Bring your finished quiz to the library. Each correct puzzle will receive a prize. Remember to put your name and class on the sheet.
1. What does Truly call Pumpkin Falls? (Chapter 2)
2. What happened on Black Monday? (Chapter 2)
3. What is the bookstore called? (Chapter 3)
4. In which book did Truly find the envelope? (Chapter 8)
5. Where did they find the second envelope? (Chapter 17)
6. Truly figured out Calhoun's first name. What is it? (Chapters 25 & 27)
7. How did they find the third envelope? (Chapter 32)
8. What happened to the signed first edition of Charlotte's Web? Who had it and why?
(Chapter 36)
9. Where was the final clue? (Chapter 37)
10. Did they solve the mystery? What happened? (Chapter 38)